The Agamemnon class Frigate was a warship designed by the ISA loyal human colonies during the Second Earth Alliance Civil War. The Agamemnon class began development during the increase in tensions between the outer colonies and Earth in the period leading to the war and was named after the legendary former command of John Sheridan. They were first deployed in combat 2 months after the hostilities began.
The Agamemnon class would become infamous due to the role that one of its members would play in triggering the Great Burn but despite the reputation would remain in service for decades following the war.
The Agamemnon class Frigate was designed as a multi-role escort ship, and was 375 meters long. It carried 18 Starfuries and 3 shuttles in its hanger bay. Standard crew consisted of 275 personnel. Its armament consisted of 4 Medium Ion Beam projectors, and 8 Medium Quantum Pulse Cannons for use against Capital ships and 10 dual Light Neutron Pulse Cannon turrets for use against fighters and missiles.