Babylon 5 Fanon Wiki

The Human Colonial League was one of the two primary successor states to the Earth Alliance formed after the Second Earth Alliance Civil War.


The Human Colonial League consisted of a mix of the majority of the surviving colonies which had been loyal to Earth during the civil war and a number of colonies who had been loyal to the Interstellar Alliance during the war but felt that the alliance should do more to aide the surviving inhabitants of Earth in the war's aftermath.

At its height it contained approximately 40 percent of the former Earth Alliance's worlds and a number of new colonies settled by the League. It's government was based on that of the Earth Alliance but modified so the Minster of Defense was third in line to become ranking executive in a time of crisis, and it highest executives used the title of High Governor and Superior Governor since official policy stated that Presidents should lead from Earth.


Formed in 2793, almost twenty years after the end of the war and the Great Burn the HCL declared independence from the ISA and the Human Worlds Alliance . Both the league and the ISA respected the declaration having no desire to spark another war while still rebuilding worlds damaged in the prior one.

The HCL would continue to exist until 3132, experiencing three major civil wars in it span. The first was sparked after the losing party in an election claimed that the votes had been tampered with and would last 5 years from 2841 to 2846, ending in an new election which both of the major parties involved in sparking the conflict lost. The second began in 2977 after it was discovered that the current government had suppressed information proving that the longtime governor of Beta Durani, had secretly authorized a program which reduced safety features in the planet's power plants leading to an accident which destroyed a small city. This lasted 9 years, and led to roughly 25 percent of the Leagues worlds leaving the HCL to join the HWA. The final of these civil wars would rage for 6 years starting in 3104. It began when a number of League worlds along the border with the HWA and ISA declared independence seeking to join the ISA because they felt trade with the ISA, restricted due to their non-member status would enrich them. When the war was over the League lost 10 percent of its worlds and later historians would consider this the beginning of the end.

in 3121 a new government was elected running on a platform promising to regain worlds stolen by the ISA. In 2125 they would launch a massive offensive against the HWA and while the Rangers and ISA remained out of the conflict in the end the League would be defeated and collapse.