The Titan class Destroyer was developed by the ISA loyal colonies during the Second Earth Alliance Civil War. While their initial strikes had crippled Earth's Destroyer fleet they knew that Earth would rebuild that fleet in time and the outer colonies would be at a major disadvantage without a destroyer fleet of their own. In response they launched two programs. One consisted of salvaging older mothballed destroyers and equipping them with modern weapons which led to many classes such as the Warlock-a class Destroyer. The other was to design and build a new fleet of destroyers which became the Titan class. A combination of superior intelligence and a series of spoiling raids on Earth Loyal shipbuilding centers led to the Titan class reaching the battlefields well ahead of their Earth loyal Roanoke class counterparts paving the way for the Pyrrhic ISA Loyalist victory in the war and by the war's end the Titan class composed almost 80 percent of the ISA Loyalist destroyer fleet.
The Titan class was 2200 meters long. It carried a standard crew of 1550 with a dozen shuttles and 80 Starfuries in its hanger bays. Its weapons array consisted of 30 Heavy Ion Beam Projectors and 20 Heavy Quantum Pulse Cannons for anti-capital ship use, and 28 triple Light Neutron Pulse cannon turrets for point defense. It also carried 15 heavy multi-role missile launchers.